Team website for the Lake Oswego Composite Mountain Bike Team
Lake Oswego Composite Mountain Bike Team is a cross country (“XC”) mountain bike team for middle and high school students in and around the Lake Oswego area. We are affiliated with the Oregon league of NICA, the National Interscholastic Cycling Association.
As a composite team, we are not affiliated with either of Lake Oswego’s high schools, though many of our riders come from these schools. Lake Oswego is our home base, but the team is made up of student athletes from around the area.
2024 Season
Registration for 2024 is open! We are currently in preseason. Preseason runs May through June. Regular season practices begins in July. We work on skills, conditioning and team building through the summer.
We race as part of the Oregon League’s North Conference. The race season begins in Late August and runs through October.
COACHES: Our coaches are all volunteers, most are parents of students athletes. We could not run this team without these amazing individuals. All coaches are required to complete background checks and complete additional training through Oregon Interscholastic Cycling League in order to mitigate safety risks and create an equitable environment for all levels of riders at our practices.
VOLUNTEERS: If you do not want to coach, but want to help the team in some way, we can still use you for the following (and then some!):
Team checkin and attendance tracking
Event and volunteer coordination
Team communications
Pit set-up and tear down at races
Hydration/Nutrition support at races
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I stay in touch with the team?
All team communication takes place in TeamSnap, a web and mobile app platform. We ask that all student athletes keep their practice and event RSVPs up to date so we can plan our activities.
What skills do I need?
To start, you just need to know how to ride your bike! Our coaches are trained to provide ‘101’ skills for mountain biking, and we work with our student athletes in groups accoriding to their level of skill.
You’ll learn everything you need to ride trails safely including body position, braking, and handling obstacles.
Want a head start? Check out the video below for a preview of the skills you’ll learn:
What type of bike do I need?
Any mountain bike will do to start! A ‘mountain bike’ is a bicycle rated for use off-pavement, with flat handlebars and knobby tires. If you are just getting into mountain bike riding and are looking for a bike, we recommend a ‘hardtail’ – a bike with front suspension only. They are light, fast, and easy to maintain.
As a student athlete gets more into the sport, there are certain bikes that are more suited for ‘cross country’ (XC) riding and racing. The courses we race are fast, open, and not overly technical.
For more information about how to choose a bike, speak with a coach or check out our guide here.